29 Weeks Pregnant

29 Weeks Pregnant

Are you 29 weeks pregnant? Here are some important guidelines for mothers-to-be. At this stage of your pregnancy, you are likely to continue experiencing nausea and morning sickness. This is also natural and you can get rid over it by taking in certain tablets prescribed by the doctor. Also remember to have fruits rich in citric acid. This will help you get over some of your nausea. Being 29 weeks pregnant, your doctor would definitely advise you to take in certain vitamin tablets that will also help you get rid over exhaustion. It is very important to follow the medicines and advice given by a good gynecologist.

Let us now take a look at certain maternal changes that happens to you while you are 29 weeks pregnant:

  • Discomforts and physical ailments
  • You could have pregnancy fever when you are 29 weeks pregnant.
  • Itchy skin
  • Leg cramps
  • Muscle pains
  • Indigestion
  • Heat burn
  • Getting short of breath
  • Fatigue

Fighting these discomforts while being 29 weeks pregnant is indeed really hard. Not all these ailments can happen to you. But most often, you are likely to experience more than three of these problems. You could check on yourself by creating your own pregnancy calendar. This way, you can create a record on yourself and what you are experiencing in your pregnancy week by week. Fatigue is probably the worst nightmare you are fighting since day 1. Relax! This is also normal throughout your pregnancy.

What You Should Do

Most women experience discomfort in their legs, backs and may fall short of breath. Remember to take plenty of rest. Take a nap whenever you can. This is because you might not get a sound sleep at night. Most women experience restlessness during night. Make up for those sleepless nights by taking a nap when you are comfortable. If you are working, find some time after coming back home and make up for your tiresome day. This is extremely important, both for you and your baby. Also remember to eat a well balanced diet. Drink loads of water and have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Pregnant women are likely to have reduced iron levels when they are 29 weeks pregnant. So eat foods rich in iron and fiber. Try as much to resist junk food and pastries. Being 29 weeks pregnant, you are likely to have an increased appetite. But try to avoid eating cakes, and sweet foods. Make sure to eat well. If you feel anemic or dizzy, consult a doctor and ask for iron supplements. The problem with iron supplements is that you are likely to be constipated. So, try to boost your iron intake first by eating plenty of foods rich in iron- like leafy vegetables and kidney beans. Only after that should you go for iron tablets. Establish a regular exercise pattern and keep stretching your limbs and muscles. In short, prepare yourself physically for delivery. You are 29 weeks pregnant now. You could as well join some exercise classes for pregnant women or search for exercise tips online. Do not overdo exercises. Keep a general and steady pace.

What Happens To Your Baby

When you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing. He/she is preparing for its birthday. This is the time when the baby starts regulating its own temperature. Blood cells are produced by the bone marrow. Slowly, the baby even starts urinating into the amniotic fluid. You can monitor your baby best when you are 29 weeks pregnant. The movements that you feel too are changed during this period.

You can probably notice smaller movements such as elbows and knees. The baby now weighs almost two pounds and nine ounces that is, equal to 1.16 kilograms. During this stage, the baby’s head is proportional to its body. As mentioned earlier, the brain now starts to control breathing and body temperature. Fat now starts getting deposited under the skin. The eyes move in the socket. The baby now starts getting sensitive to the five senses.

General Instructions For Mothers Who Are 29 Weeks Pregnant

Fetal growth and development is directly related to the mother’s health and hygiene. It is you who are greatly responsible for shaping the baby’s character. Every single thought sand emotion that you undergo has a positive or negative touch on the baby. So mellow down in your emotions and always think positive.

Now that you know your body changes, while you are 29 weeks pregnant, are you more excited to know what will happen to you while you are 30 weeks pregnant? Read on to find out more on baby growth and development.