30 Weeks Pregnant

36 Weeks Pregnant

You are now 30 weeks pregnant. You are probably freaking out by now because of the emotional and physical stress that is happening to you. This is a normal and natural phenomenon when it comes to becoming 30 weeks pregnant. Remember you are not alone. Thousands of women have experienced this before you and are still experiencing with you. All you need to do is to take care of yourself and your baby as well as you can.

There is no need for unnecessary mental stress. Relax. And visit a counselor if you feel the need. You may feel immensely comforted just by talking to your partner. So, open up and let yourself be pampered by your family. This is what you need most when you are 30 weeks pregnant. Pregnancy also has its share of emotional and mental instabilities. This happens due to a change in hormone levels. Always remember that your baby will be affected by all what happens to you, all what you think, feel and go through. So try to mellow down as much as you can. Always think positive and engage in activities that interests you. Here are some of the physical changes that you would be experiencing when you are 30 weeks pregnant.Heart burn is an annoying and constant worry while you are 30 weeks pregnant IndigestionVomitingNauseaLeg cramps Joint pains Insomnia Exhaustion Mood swings Depression

Overcoming The Stress

All the above symptoms are quite normal when it comes to being 30 weeks pregnant.  You must be feeling used to fighting all these ailments from day one of your pregnancy. Yet, each day you will have new ailments bothering and troubling you. It is important to fight all of these troubles to have a care free delivery. You must by now be aware of what has been happening to your pregnancy week by week. As an additional safety, you can also heck on your pregnancy calendar to analyze your progress, physical and emotional changes during pregnancy.

While being 30 weeks pregnant most mothers start worrying about parenting and child care. It is really hard to maintain babies and care for them you are likely to get over stressed if you are to be a mother for the first time. However this is also the time, when you should try to be less stressful and more gay. For this, Begin by getting ready for the big day. Collect telephone numbers and store them near your phone line. Getting baby dresses and items ready before hand will also help you have a tension free delivery.


There are also some other causes of concern while you are 30 weeks pregnant. Your belly size is gradually increasing now and you are finding it troublesome to walk, sit, settle down and even sleep. You will also find that you need to sit up straight and then turn on your side, when trying to change sides while sleeping. This is important so the umbilical chord doesn’t stifle the baby. While being pregnant, your first preference is always the baby and its comfort. You will need to make some adjustments for this. You might also lose your balance sometimes while walking. It would be a good idea to avoid heels and go for flat soles. Always be cautious while walking so as not to trip and fall.

Your Baby When You Are 30 Weeks Pregnant

Let us now take a look at what has happened to your baby while you are 30 weeks pregnant . Your baby has now grown about 40 centimeters and its lungs and digestive tracts are almost developed by now. The baby now constantly opens and shuts its eyes. Your baby has also developed eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby now starts distinguishing between light and dark. It even responds to light and the senses. You can try this out yourself by shining a torch on your belly.

Your baby will surely respond to this. Though your baby has visual development now, it is not completely developed. (New borns can only see up to a distance of 20-30 centimeters) your baby is also surrounded by amniotic fluid, but it gradually decreases to give space to the baby as it grows. The baby is now moving its head down towards the uterus to get into the right position for birth.

Now that you know all about being 30 weeks pregnant, read on more to find out even more exciting facts about being 31 weeks pregnant.