9 Weeks Pregnant

9 Weeks Pregnant

Being 9 weeks pregnant is a great time in your life where you experience a whole range of emotions and physical changes happening within you. Relax! This is extremely normal and nothing to worry about. Women all over the world experiences similar symptoms and emotional swings throughout their pregnancy period. Would you like to know what happens to you while you are 9 weeks pregnant? Read on and discover more interesting facts about yourself and your baby. You can also get an update on what happens to your pregnancy week by week.

When you are 9 weeks pregnant, you will be constantly haunted by nausea and morning sickness. It is important to know that it is absolutely normal and get along with life as usual. Stress and fatigue is probably the first sign of pregnancy. After detecting you are pregnant, always keep a record of your pregnancy calendar. Most women during the first few weeks feel as if run over by a truck. This is also a normal stage in pregnancy and you can fight it over by taking in proper vitamin tablets and a well balanced diet. Here are some of the changes that occur to you when you are 9 weeks pregnant:

Morning sickness and nausea Vomiting Extreme fatigue and tiredness Cramps Exhaustion headaches Dehydration Stress Mood swings Temperature variation in body may happen when you are 9 weeks pregnant.Breast tenderness and swelling Vaginal discharge Though not all women experience all of these symptoms, women do experience a couple of these problems. Most women complain of bad taste in the mouth and stress and cramps when they are 9 weeks pregnant. During this time, they become totally exhausted and dehydrated. It is extremely important to sustain your body fluids. When you are 9 weeks pregnant, your belly doesn’t start growing yet. However there are other physical changes that reveal your pregnancy. Your skin may become smoother and plump. Your hair gets more oily than natural. When you are 9 weeks pregnant, your HCG hormone is at its peak. Hence you may notice pimples on your face. You might also have some slight vaginal discharge which is nothing to worry about.

Calm Down !  This Is Natural When you are 9 Weeks Pregnant

There are some cool ways to calm down. This is extremely important for the mom-to-be. First of all, you need to calm down and understand that all of what is going through you is absolutely normal. Attending yoga classes or practicing them at home will be a good idea. This will help improve your energy level and decrease your stress level.

Soaking in a warm bath is a good idea as well. Try doing some breathing exercises. After this, soak in a warm bath. You need to take care not to use real hot water, as this can cause some serious health issues on the baby. Always think positive. Being 9 weeks pregnant your baby develops a lot. What you think and feel will affect the baby in ways you can never imagine. So turn down your anger and stay as cool as possible, engage in activities you love, read scriptures and books with positive ideas.

Overcoming Stress and Cramps When You Are 9 Weeks Pregnant

Use hot water bottles to relax your abdomen and back. You can also purchase heating pads or create one at home. All you need to do is heat up rice in a sack. If you choose fragrant rice, you’ll have an added benefit of aromatherapy. Being 9 weeks pregnant, it is still early, but do try to engage in activities that will help you to get into a good position for birth. Always stay active and go for safe exercise programs.

What Happens to Your Baby When You Are 9 Weeks Pregnant?

When you are 9 weeks pregnant, your baby grows too. It is starting to get big. At 9 weeks pregnancy, your baby starts developing an erect head which is curved towards its chest. The fish like posture begins to change. The baby also develops its back. It also develops eyes, nose, ears, lips and other features. But they are not very well developed while you are 9 weeks pregnant. Eyes remain closed by a membrane lid. During this time, more than the legs and feet, it is the baby’s hands and fingers that develop.

Fingers become distinct and look more like human fingers as the thin film between the fingers get dissolved. The baby also starts developing its genitals during this stage; however you can’t make out its gender even through an ultra sound test. The baby starts making tiny movements at this stage because of muscle development. But it is so slight for the mom to realize or feel during this stage of pregnancy.

Aren’t you totally excited about the various aspects to look forward to while being 9 weeks pregnant? Would you like to know the changes that would happen to your body and to your baby when you are 10 weeks pregnant? Read on and know more facts about pregnancy do’s and don’ ts.