40 Weeks Pregnant

40 Weeks Pregnant

So you have made it to 40 weeks pregnant. The average pregnancy length is 40 weeks, and your due date is calculated based on a 40 weeks of gestation.

You have been growing a life inside of you for almost a year at this point, and you may be ready to take on the next chapter: raising your new baby.

At this point in your pregnancy, your baby weighs somewhere between 6 and 9 pounds, and is approximately 20 inches long from head to heel. Your uterus is about 6″ above your belly button at this point, and your baby’s movements may seem to have slowed down a bit. If this is the case, don’t be too alarmed, as your baby’s living quarters are cramped with a fully developed baby inside, giving your baby less room to stretch and move.

Your Doctor’s Appointment

At your doctor’s appointment at 40 weeks pregnant, you will be checked to see if your cervix is dilated and effaced at all. Your doctor will also measure your uterus fundal height, take your blood pressure, and ask how you are feeling. Your doctor may also perform a non-stress test to see if your baby is reacting to any Braxton Hicks contractions you may be having at this point. You will be asked about your contractions, and your doctor may suggest setting a date to induce labor at this point. Your doctor may also ask if you would like to have your membranes swept during the internal exam. Sweeping or stripping the membranes is when your doctor will gently separate the amniotic sac from the opening of the cervix with her fingers. The procedure is uncomfortable, but will often induce labor within 48-72 hours once you are full-term. If you would rather let nature take it’s course, your doctor may recommend twice-per-week visits to perform a non-stress test as well as to measure your uterus.

How You Are Feeling At 40 Weeks Pregnant

Once you have hit your 40th week of your pregnancy, you are probably more uncomfortable than you have ever been in your life. You haven’t seen your feet for months, you can’t bend down to tie your shoes, and you have to urinate every twenty minutes. You probably haven’t been sleeping well, either, being awakened by your baby’s movements as well as frequent trips to the bathroom overnight. You may feel like you have a hard time catching your breath due to the increasing size of your uterus putting extra pressure on your lungs. Your feet and ankles may be swollen due to fluid retention, and you seem to be more irritable than ever. Not to mention, your maternity clothes may be getting too snug, and your shoes seem too small because your feet have actually grown from the loosening of your ligaments due to the pregnancy hormones. You may be frustrated that your baby hasn’t decided to make his way into the world just yet, and every single gas pain or Braxton Hicks contraction may seem like the onset of labor. If you have hit the wall at 40 weeks pregnant and you are looking to try to induce labor naturally, there are several methods which can help bring about the onset of contractions which will eventually lead to active labor:

  • Walking
  • Eat spicy food
  • Use nipple stimulation
  • Have your membranes stripped
  • Have sex

There are also a variety of other methods to try to induce labor at 40 weeks pregnant, but these methods are considered safe and fairly effective for inducing labor once you have reached 40 weeks pregnant. Many of these methods work in similar ways to help stimulate uterine contractions by releasing prostaglandins and/or oxytocin.

By taking a long walk, the position of the baby can push down on the cervix. The pressure on the cervix then triggers your body to release prostaglandins which can trigger uterine contractions. Eating spicy food can work by stimulating the colon to contract, and because of the proximity to the uterus, it may also begin contracting.

Nipple stimulation is a proven method of getting the uterus to contract. It is a natural way for your body to get rid of the lochia after the birth of your baby. When your baby nurses, your uterus will contract and cleanse itself of excess blood and tissue left over from pregnancy. Nipple stimulation will work at any time whether you are pregnant, post-partum, or not pregnant.

Having your membranes stripped, as described earlier, is another means of triggering labor. Once the amniotic sac is gently separated from the cervix and uterine wall, prostaglandins are released which can stimulate the uterus to contract.

Finally, sexual intercourse is one of the most highly effective means of beginning labor in many women. Not only will an orgasm trigger uterine contractions, but also semen is full of natural prostaglandins.

Once you have reached 40 weeks pregnant, you are probably eager to meet the life that has been growing inside of you for almost 10 months. You are physically and mentally ready to move on to parenthood, and it is no wonder! The female body is capable of miraculous things, and the fact that you have made it to 40 weeks pregnant is a huge accomplishment in and of itself.