33 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Tips, & More

What to expect when you are 33 weeks pregnant. Is nausea normal? Is diarrhea normal? Why am I dizzy? When does baby drop? When did i conceive? 33 weeks pregnant: symptoms, tips, and more.

33 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations! You are now 33 weeks pregnant. This is a great time to feel happy. You just need to wait for some more time until you can hold your baby in your arms. You have probably changed enormously over the past couple of weeks. You must have put on loads of weight and must be feeling clumsy as well. Your cheeks are probably chubbier now. This is all part of regular pregnancy. You must have started to notice all of these when you are 33 weeks pregnant. Most women find it hard to walk and even sit down during this stage of pregnancy. You are even probably trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. Bumping into chairs and counters would be almost natural in life. Relax! And get going. Here are certain points to understand when you are 33 weeks pregnant.
You must be experiencing some ache and numbness in your fingers.

Common 33 weeks pregnant symptoms:

  • Numbness in hands and wrists
  • Leg cramps
  • Weight gains
  • Headaches
  • Seeing spots or lights during rest
  • Abdominal pains
  • Nausea (Nausea and dizziness is one of the most common symptoms)
  • Vomiting
  • Feeling sick
  • High blood pressure, etc.

How To Overcome Ailments

Though most women don’t experience all of these symptoms, there are women who experience nausea and vomiting throughout their pregnancy period. If you fell this is uncommon when you are 33 weeks pregnant, you are wrong. Nausea and dizziness is the problem that most women note as ailments in their pregnancy calendar. For numbness of hands and wrists, try to maintain good exercises. Keep stretching your hands and fingers constantly.  You will probably gain almost a pound during this period. If you have constant and heavy headaches and high blood pressure, do consult your doctor. This is to avoid any complications. Also remember to drink plenty of water. This is also the time when you start losing your appetite. You might not feel hungry doing your main course meals. Instead, have food in small quantities whenever you feel like.

What You Need To Worry About

You will also notice that your hands and face have become a bit swollen and chubby. This is water retention and known as oedma. This gets worsened in warm weather. What you can do is drink more and more water. If you experience heavy headaches with this, you might want to consult a doctor to check if everything is alright. This is because some symptoms could be of pre-eclampsia. Your baby will also be moving about when you are 33 weeks pregnant. Every baby has its own pattern of movement. For an added security, you could keep a track of these movements. You need to consult a doctor if you feel something is wrong or if the baby is less active than usual.

What Happens To You Are Baby When You Are 33 Weeks Pregnant?

33 weeks pregnant fetal development timeline.
Fetal development

Aren’t you interested to know what is now happening to your baby, now that you are 33 weeks pregnant? Read on- your baby now weighs almost 4.2 pounds. That is almost 2 kilograms. It is about 44 centimeters from head to toe. Your baby is now getting all excited to enter fresh into the world and turns upside down, head pointing down. Your doctor will be constantly monitoring your baby’s position to see if everything is alright. The skull of your baby is still developing. But most of its bones have hardened by now. The skin is also getting less red and is not wrinkled anymore. The bones in the skull are not very well developed making it easier for the head to pop out first during delivery.

Babies are born with a cone head like appearance and it doesn’t fuse until early childhood, for better development of the brain. Your baby does constantly hiccup now and you may feel rhythmic movements in your belly. You may also want to understand your pregnancy week by week to know about the proper development and growth of your baby. During this stage, amniotic fluid is at the highest level. The baby’s skin now turns from red to rosy pink. The confined space does restrict the baby’s movements when you are 33 weeks pregnant. You may thus not feel frequent movements as before.

Don’t you feel excited after having read what is happening to you when you are 33 weeks pregnant? Don’t you want to read more to know what will happen to you and your baby when you are 34 weeks pregnant? Go on and read the next article.