27 Weeks Pregnant

27 Weeks Pregnant

27 weeks pregnant means, you are in your second trimester of pregnancy and it’s time for you to enroll in prenatal and childbirth classes provided by most of the hospitals. This is considered as a crucial period in pregnancy and your belly is getting bigger every week now. If the baby is born when you are 27 weeks pregnant, then he or she has a 90 percent chance of surviving because the baby’s lungs are capable of breathing air with the help of medical assistance. The baby would look similar to a baby born at 40 weeks but very smaller and thinner. This period of pregnancy from 27 week onwards is called ‘within the period of fetal viability’.

Growth of Your Baby When You Are 27 Weeks Pregnant:

  • The baby weighs around 2 pounds and is almost 9 inches crown to rump.
  • The baby’s skin remains slightly wrinkled as it was surrounded by water for the last 5 months
  • Rapid brain growth and the forebrain grow and cover the rest of the brain which results in some important brain development.
  • Baby’s sense of hearing is developing so the baby may recognize your voice when you talk.
  • Muscle coordination will allow the baby to start thump suckling, an activity that calms and strengthens the baby’s jaw and cheek muscles for nursing.
  • During 27 weeks pregnancy, the baby’s eyes are fully formed and blink them as well. Also, the retina starts developing so that the baby is able to detect light and the dark
  • When you are 27 weeks pregnant, the baby sleeps and wakes up at regular intervals, but the sleeping pattern is completely opposite to that of yours.
  • The network of nerve cells  to the ear is completed

Changes in your body:

When you are 27 weeks pregnant, your uterus begins to grow and develop now reaching around 2.8 inches above your navel. As the uterus moves closer to the rib cage, it makes your lung difficult to expand and cause shortness of breath. Don’t worry this is completely normal.

As the baby requires more energy and nutrition to grow, you must increase your calorie consumption. A 300 to 350 calorie increase is usually recommended during this stage of pregnancy. You should eat a variety of foods like bread and grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein rich foods like fish, meat, eggs and nuts.

You may start experiencing more aches and pains especially while walking and changing positions. This is mainly due to the pressure on sciatic nerves as the baby grows. A warm compression or a bath can give you some relief.

When you are 27 weeks pregnant, you may start experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions or false labor contractions. These false labor pains help your body gear up for labor and delivery. So, at 27 weeks of pregnancy one should able to distinguish between false labor contractions and premature contractions.

You may also notice the following changes:

  • You will weigh around 16 to 22 pounds more than your pre pregnancy weight
  • As your uterus expands, stretch mark starts developing in your belly.
  • Placenta starts producing more hormones which are vital for relaxing the uterine muscles.
  • Swollen ankles and feet
  • Frequent urination
  • Occasional faintness or dizziness is usually caused when the belly puts excessive pressure over the blood vessels and decreases blood circulation to the brain.
  • Bleeding, iflammation and swollen gums due to the hormonal changes in the body making them susceptible to bacterial infections

The pregnancy calendar is a useful option to monitor your pregnancy and it provides complete pregnancy week by week information for every week of your pregnancy journey.  Week 27 of pregnancy can be viewed as a transition week because one can really feel the twinges of final third of pregnancy. It is a crucial period where you should remain stress free as it has some adverse effects on baby’s health. Regular doctor visits is essential when you are 27 weeks pregnant, as this is the time where the child and mother needs as much monitoring as possible.

You are now in your 27 weeks of pregnancy, but you may need to continue following the development of your unborn new one by going to 28 weeks pregnant. Continue to read what happens for you and your child when you are in your 28 weeks of pregnancy.