When one is 25 weeks pregnant, there are quite a number of changes that are taking place, both in the mother, and also in the baby. During this week in the pregnancy calendar, you are only two weeks away from entering the third and final trimester. This is the week that most mothers to be become quite forgetful, start sweating increasingly, and become pretty “swollen” all over; sausage fingers and toes, a prominent belly, swollen feet (and you wonder why those shoes can’t fit you any more..). You may also go down with hemorrhoids. So, what exactly is happening to your body, your pregnancy, and your life when you are 25 weeks pregnant?
Your Baby’s Development
Looking at pregnancy week by week, this is the week that your baby surpasses the pound and a half weight mark, and also reaches the nine inch mark in length. It is now growing in leaps and bounds. By the end of this week, the baby will have capillaries formed under the skin, with blood filling them. There are also air sacs forming, which are also lined with blood capillaries. These will eventually develop to become lungs later in the pregnancy. In this 25th week, the nostrils start to open, while the vocal chords also start getting ready to roar. If you thought this was all, sorry for the disappointment. Get ready for the pat-a-cake! Your baby’s tiny hands are fully developed. It will spend most of the time that it is awake groping around in the darkness that is the uterus. You may already have started feeling some movement in there. The baby’s nerve endings and brain are also now well developed, and it can even sense touch! However, don’t tell the father to go poking it… It won’t feel this. The arms and legs are now just about the same proportion in length that they will be at birth. Although still wrinkled up, the formerly translucent being skin’s color is also now turning to a skin color that resembles yours.
A Summary of the Baby’s Development When You Are 25 Weeks Pregnant
- The spine structure starts to form
- The formation of taste buds begins
- For a baby boy, the testes will have gotten down into the scrotum
- The vagina, for a baby girl, will have already hollowed out
- The baby’s hands (including fingerprints!) fully develop
- The lung’s blood vessels start developing
- The nostrils open
Your Body’s Development
When you are 25 weeks pregnant, you may start experiencing some of the pregnancy ailments that, to say the least, are a pain in the butt. This is especially true for hemorrhoids. These swellings and itchy veins in the rectum that result from the pressing down of the uterus, as well as an increased blood flow in this area, can be downright painful. Though not dangerous to your health, the pain they cause can be annoying and very uncomfortable. To avoid these, eat right, exercise your pelvic floor, and avoid a strained poop. After giving birth, they will go away. During this week, you are most likely to start experiencing pregnancy leg cramps. These are not your ordinary leg cramps. With these pregnancy ones, you may wake up screaming at the top of your voice. Such pain. The cause of these cramps is mainly calcium deficiency. A massage, a warm soak and proper nutrition can help you avoid these.
Here is a Summary of Some of Your Body’s New Experiences:
- Constipation
- Heartburn and indigestion
- Some movement in your belly (when the baby is kicking and twisting)
- An increase in sweating
- Dizziness
- Getting forgetful
- Dreams that are vivid
- Around this time, your uterus is the size of a soccer ball.
All said, when you are at this point in your pregnancy, make sure to make the best use of the pregnancy period. You are at your prime gorgeousness; full boobs, great round shape…can’t get better! Have fun with your partner (and I mean real bedroom fun) because your life is about to change forever. You should also sign up for a breastfeeding class or take a look at those breastfeeding resources to be fully armed for the after birth period. By the way, since you now already know what’s happening to you when you are 25 weeks pregnant, get prepared for next week. There are more changes coming that differ from what you are going through this week. See what’s coming your way when you become 26 weeks pregnant.