24 Weeks Pregnant

24 Weeks Pregnant

At 24 weeks pregnant now that your baby’s growing steadily and is almost about 1.25 to 1.5 pounds, gaining 99g/22oz since the last week your baby is now completely developed. Due to this, the baby’s movements are quite visible at this phase of your pregnancy

This point of the 2nd Trimester requires great attention and care because this is the time when you tend to gain a bit of weight since your baby is almost a foot long and you now have a huge belly bump just like a soccer ball. Thus making it essential for both you and your baby to keep busy and healthy when you are 24 weeks pregnant

All About You And Your Body:

While going through your ‘Pregnancy Calendar’ you may observe that now indeed your baby has grown and is starting to fill the space in your uterus. It is due to this growth you are most likely to experience Braxton Hicks contractions – a feeling of tightening of uterus and abdomen from time to time. Nothing to worry as it is quite normal.

During this point of pregnancy you will be noticing faint red or brown streaks commonly known as stretch marks forming a dark line between your belly button and pubic bone termed as linea negra which gradually fades away. You will also come across stretch marks on your breast. Wear supportive bras to prevent or minimize the marks.

At 24 weeks pregnant stretch marks are very common on abdomen, hips and breast and about 90% of the women experience it. But being temporary it doesnt last long and eventually fades away after giving birth.
Further you may also experience you eyes getting light sensitive and dry. Using artificial tear can be a solution to get rid of dry eyes but

the best way to stay energized is to drink lots of water and do some exercise when you are in your 24 weeks pregnancy. It not only helps you maintain the glow of your skin but also nourishes the baby in the womb.

Benefits of Exercising:

Regular exercise during this phase can really ease away your pregnancy pain.

If you arent comfortable with exercise you can always go for parental yoga or walking which can indeed give you relief from the painful backaches that you have been experiencing due to your expanding belly.

In addition to this if you exercise regularly at this phase you will boost your circulation and prevent some of your swelling.
A stress reliever, regular exercise during this week is bound to strengthen your muscles for the delivery day.

Remember your aim is to reduce your pregnancy pains so never begin a rigorous exercise regime or try to lose weight at this point of time. Also consult your doctor and health care provider before you begin with any exercise program.

Further ‘Pregnancy Week By Week‘ will not only assist you with the important tips throughout your motherhood but will also help in keeping you and your baby fit and healthy throughout!

All About Your Baby’s Growth:

In this phase of pregnancy your baby is steadily growing. His face has formed, ears are almost complete and eyes are in place though the eyelids are still closed. In addition to a well-structured face he also has finger nails and growing hair. His brain is growing and taste buds are developing while the lungs and respiratory system are still in the formation. 24 weeks pregnant being a high active time the baby is full of movement and action.

List of Premature Labors When 24 Weeks Pregnant:

  • Backaches
  • Edema (swelling)
  • Intense pelvic pressure
  • Emission of red blood or watery fluid from vagina
  • Pain while urinating
  • Urinary bladder or kidney infection
  • Prolonged pain in the stomach
  • Contracts or cramps for more than few hours

If you have signs of any of the above symptoms please call for your doctor immediately. It can be prevented and avoided if you maintain regular intake of water at perfect intervals of time

At 24 weeks pregnant, now that you are aided with the information regarding motherhood which encompasses your baby’s growth as well as your own body developments you might be now eager to explore about the next stage. You can easily discover here detailed information about the consecutive phase of the second trimester when you turn 25 weeks pregnant in the next week!