20 Weeks Pregnant

20 Weeks Pregnant

20 weeks pregnant is an important milestone in the pregnancy period of any woman’s life. At this point, the expecting mother is halfway through her pregnancy. Both mother and child will experience various changes at this stage. During this time, the baby is around 6.5 inches from heel to head. The average weight of the baby at this time is 10.5 ounces. Their skin becomes more complex as the epidermal layer begins to form.

Additionally, fat starts building up underneath the skin, making them less transparent. At week 20, the baby will swallow amniotic fluid regularly and practice breathing exercises.

Several changes occur to the mom as she becomes 20 weeks pregnant.The belly button usually pops since the uterus reaches this region. By this time, it becomes quite apparent that the woman is pregnant due to a growing belly.Most women gain around 15 pounds by the time they are 20 weeks pregnant. Hence they feel bulkier. As their centre of gravity shifts due to the increased size, a lot of expecting mothers cannot stand for long periods of time without feeling light headed. The doctor will start taking measurements of the woman’s belly to ensure that the baby is growing at a normal rate. This measurement is known as fundal height. Ultrasounds are also taken along with fundal height measurements. Most health care providers go for ultrasound images if the fundal height indicates any discrepancies.
Since ultrasound images are taken when the woman completes 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible for parents to determine the sex of the child.

Causes of IUGR at 20 Weeks Pregnant

Intrauterine Growth restriction (IUGR) is a condition that can occur at this stage. If the baby is smaller than the normal size for someone at this gestational age, the health care provider will diagnose the baby with IUGR. There are many causes of this condition. Placental abnormalities, medical conditions, chromosomal abnormalities and twin or multiple babies can bring about this deficiency in growth. A small or improperly formed placenta will impair its ability to provide nutrition and oxygen to the baby. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, clotting disorders, chronic lung disorders, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, pre-eclampsia and chronic hypertension are some medical conditions which causes IUGR.

Down syndrome and other such chromosomal abnormalities in the baby can also bring about this condition. IUGR is more common in mothers who are pregnant with more than one child. Mothers with severe malnutrition are also prone to developing this condition. Additionally, those who smoke, drink and use drugs are also at a higher risk of being diagnosed with IUGR. Once the baby is diagnosed with this condition, amniocentesis might be required to determine chromosomal abnormalities.

Blood clotting and infection problems can be identified with a blood test. The 20 weeks pregnant mother will have to keep track of fetal kick counts. This is because babies which are diagnosed with IUGR have a higher possibility of being stillborn. Although it is very difficult to prevent IUGR, one can lower the risks considerably by sticking to a healthy lifestyle.

Developments at This Stage

The baby will have a straighter spine by the time the mother becomes 20 weeks pregnant. Each vertebra in its spine can be seen in the ultrasound images. At this stage, all abdominal organs of the child will be fully immersed in the abdominal cavity. Another significant development at this stage of pregnancy is the development of Lanugo hairs. Downy and fine in nature, these hairs cover the body of the child and provide it with warmth and insulation. Although they shed the hairs before being born, it can be seen in those who are born premature. Although the baby wiggles and stretches at this time, they are just reflex responses.

20 weeks pregnant is indeed a significant event for any expecting woman. Various changes occur to themselves and their child. While a lot of the changes are good, some can be harmful. Hence every mother should take extra care so that they and their baby are not harmed. A lot of women maintain a Pregnancy Calendar to keep track of the Pregnancy Week By Week. With proper care and attention, the 20 weeks pregnant women can ensure that each week passes without causing any worries. All expecting mothers should compulsorily read about the various events that can occur during the 21 weeks pregnant stage.