12 Weeks Pregnant

12 Weeks Pregnant

Congrats! The toughest period of the pregnancy calendar is going to get over now as you are 12 weeks pregnant. It means you have gone through the first trimester where most of the problems can occur. If you have gone through the 11 weeks and your reports came out completely normal then the coming weeks will also be great for your pregnancy. A woman is much more relieved from the discomforts that she had in the previous weeks as her body has already coped with the storm inside. If you are not lucky enough you may experience the symptoms some more days or weeks to come. Want to know what is happening inside when you are 12 weeks pregnant? Just go through the following.

Your Body When You Are 12 Weeks Pregnant

The progesterone is in increased quantity in your blood which is making you feel dizzy or faint indirectly. When you are 12 weeks pregnant the progesterone has already started to increase the flow of blood to your baby compromising the need of your blood vessels. The supply of blood to your body and brain has decreased a bit which is causing the dizziness. You may also experience a low blood sugar level at this stage of pregnancy which is very common for a 12 weeks pregnant woman. This phase of pregnancy calendar is marked for your body to sacrifice. But you can do your bit to keep your body going strong by eating regularly and sleeping for the optimum time.

As far as your uterus is concerned it has grown a lot and when you are 12 weeks pregnant you doctor can actually feel its top below your pubic bones. You may look more bulky and you have put up some weigh but it is mainly because your baby is larger now.

Your Baby

Now that you are 12 weeks pregnant your baby is looking more like a human. Its eyes are there in front of its head and the ears are placed perfectly. It weighs around half a pound now and it is able to swallow fluid and is trying its luck on the amniotic fluid which is there in your uterus where your baby is floating. The placenta is pumping the blood in its body which is its source of oxygen. The nails of your baby are forming this week but its intestine which is more or less formed is still not completely inside. Your baby when you are 12 weeks pregnant will be able to move its toes and fingers a bit and the clench is there in the eye muscle.

This week in the pregnancy calendar of a 12 weeks pregnant woman is very important for her baby. The kidney has started generating and excreting urine in the bladder. The brain cells are multiplying rapidly along with the nervous system.

Change In Your Life

Now, when you are 12 weeks pregnant you are more relaxed. Your baby is safer now as most of the organ development is just getting completed. A new life has started moving its fingers and will soon reach out for your hands. You can now tell people you are actually pregnant and the reason of the puffiness which is noticed by all your friends and colleagues. You will tend to wear loose cloths to comfort your belly which will start increasing even more in the coming weeks. At this point of pregnancy calendar your sense of smell is stronger and the smell of the toothpaste may disturb you. But it is important to take proper dental care and visit a dentist if required because dental problems can lead to severe problems in your baby.

If the nausea is still there then it may stay for more but eating should not be stopped. To avoid the symptom you can eat at small time gap and in small quantity. The peeing tendency is going to decrease now. You may experience increase in vaginal discharge and occasional heache. You may feel a lesser sex drive mostly because of the dizziness but what actually you need is to stay emotionally connected. 12 weeks pregnant woman is just a few weeks away from getting back the urge and then your life is a happy tale.