32 Weeks Pregnant

32 Weeks Pregnant

The period of 32 weeks pregnant, also known as the third trimester is a crucial point in a women’s pregnancy cycle. It is a period that makes a woman aware that she is pregnant. You will be feeling every aspect of this period, with the baby inside you starting to kick, push, struggle and do everything in its capability to come out and see the world outside. After nine weeks, when the baby is finally born, this period will be the one that you will remember the most. There are certain features that characterize 32 weeks pregnancy. The movement of the baby will be strong for 32 weeks pregnant women. The kicks will be strong but will be less frequent. Rise in heartburn and sleeping difficulties. Weight gaining pain in the hips.

One important aspect that 32 weeks pregnant women notice is the amount of weight which they have gained in the past few weeks. This stage is quite contrary to the tenth week of pregnancy. During that stage, the signs of pregnancy are very few. However, after 32 weeks, a woman clearly identifies the signs of pregnancy.  The kicks and pushes that characterized the previous weeks now turn to full bodily movements. Occasionally, a mother will be able to see the actual movement on her stomach surface.

Important Aspects

32 weeks pregnant women must keep a good check on their daily activities. Since, this is a crucial stage of their pregnancy cycle they should never do anything that could damage the baby inside. During this phase, the movements of the baby will be very strong, but less frequent. Sudden and powerful kicks characterize this period. Women also feel physical changes happening to their body.  The most obvious signs regarding changes are noticed in the body weight. By the time women reach the 32 weeks pregnant stage, they will gain an additional 19 pounds. A pregnancy calendar can be used to track the development of the fetus in a weekly basis.

Coming to the bodily functions during the 32 weeks pregnant period, milk production is the most important one. It is during this period that a woman’s breasts start to produce milk. Sometimes, there will be milk leaking through the breasts. There is no need for any apprehension since this is a natural bodily reaction. There are other physical aspects that a woman might want to know about during this period. One of them is physical contact with partner.

Physical And Mental Concerns

Having sex during 32 week pregnant period is not dangerous. However, there are women who are at risk at this stage. Hence it would be wise to seek the advice of a doctor regarding this. The next important physical aspect during the 32 weeks pregnancy stage is the contractions which start to appear on a woman’s skin. These are known as Braxton Hicks contractions and appear regular intervals. These shrinkages happen during the third trimester. Again, these are also not dangerous. But if they appear more than five times, then consult a doctor. Sometimes, these contractions are accompanies by vaginal discharge. These are clear indications that labor is closing in on a woman. For more information on physical condition of 32 weeks pregnant woman, you can check pregnancy week by week analysis available on the internet.

Now that you have understood the various factors concerning 32 weeks pregnant stage, there are some safeguards that pregnant women must take during this period. Since you are drawing closer to giving birth, regular visits to the doctor would be an absolute necessity. Visit your doctor at least once in every two weeks. The consultation must continue till the 36th week of pregnancy. Doctors will give valuable advice regarding food, medication and exercise that would be beneficial for the mother as well as the child.

Anxiety is a very common among 32 weeks pregnant women when they draw closer towards pregnancy. First-time moms and teenagers have several apprehensions and false beliefs regarding pregnancy. Anxiety is bad for a mother’s as well as child’s health. This could lead to loss of sleep. Consult a doctor or attend child birth classes to get more information regarding how to control stress. This will make your 32 weeks pregnancy period a stress-free one and will prepare you for the next crucial stage, which is the 33 weeks pregnant period.