15 Weeks Pregnant

15 weeks pregnant.

Being 15 weeks pregnant is the time when you finally start showing your baby bump. Your belly now starts bulging day by day making you clumsier and less than graceful. There is nothing to worry about this. It is all natural and happens to every woman. The secret is not to fall apart and carry yourself and your baby gracefully.  Buy a pair of maternity jeans and design yourself some mom clothes. This will make you look and feel great.

The most important aspect is to stay relaxed in loose clothes and yet feel comfortable in it. When you are 15 weeks pregnant, your uterus is between your pubic bone and naval. You may thus experience certain contractions known as Braxton Hicks. These are normally painless contractions. These are meant to prepare you for the big day when you deliver the baby, however if you experience more contractions that usual, it will be a good idea to consult a doctor. Your baby bump keeps growing when you are 15 weeks pregnant. You stomach might feel full and you might not feel like having more food.

Here are some other symptoms you might experience when you are 15 weeks pregnant:

  • Cramped tummy space
  • Heart burns
  • Indigestion
  • Flatulence
  • Frequent urination
  • Insomnia
  • Skin and muscles stretching
  • Fatigue
  • Leg pains

How To Make Up For These Symptoms When You Are 15 Weeks Pregnant?

All these are normal signs of being 15 weeks pregnant. This is nothing to worry about. You just need to remember a few points to fight these ailments. First of all, you need to keep a pregnancy calendar and keep a record to see what changes are happening to you during your pregnancy week by week. Being 15 weeks pregnant you may experience lack of sleep during nights. It is important to make up for these restless nights by gaining plenty of sleep during your free hours.

Ideally take a short siesta in the noon. This is also the time when your body retains water. Thus you may feel like urinating more often, especially in the nights. This is also a very natural symptom experienced when you are 15 weeks pregnant. Because your belly is bulging now, you might fell full always and may not feel like having more food. But it is important to increase the consumption level of food. What you can do is take food at regular intervals in small quantities, or whenever you feel like.

What Happens To You When You Are 15 Weeks Pregnant?

15 weeks pregnant is the time when your baby starts moving about in your tummy. This is an exciting period, when you can really feel the movements. Some women don’t experience the movement right away, but takes time to feel it. It is natural if you don’t feel movements much. However, if you do, do not hesitate to tell your doctor about it. The doctor may then suggest an antenatal test to be performed to check on birth defects. For women over 35 years of age, an amniocentesis is often recommended for chromosomal abnormalities. When you are 15 weeks pregnant, your immunity system is slightly impaired and there are more chances to catch flu and cold. This will not harm your baby. However, if you catch a chicken pox or other such disease, consult your gynecologist before consuming medicines.

What Is Happening To Your Baby When You Are 15 Weeks Pregnant?

You may not really notice it and may not feel it, but your baby does get hiccups very often. They don’t make any sound because their trachea is filled with more of fluid than air.

Mothers normally gain about 5 and 10 pounds. But the baby is only around 2.5 ounces that is 70 grams. The rest of the weight comprise of the fluids inside you. The baby is now about 11 centimeters long. Legs start to grow long and fingernails are also properly developed.

When you are 15 weeks pregnant, the baby can move its limbs and joints as they are all completely formed. Your baby now starts developing a thin skin and blood vessels are very much visible within. The skin is now covered by fine and soft hair called lanugo. This does not fall out until the baby is fully developed to be delivered. The heart also begins to pump blood. It pumps about 25 quarts of blood per day. This is the time, when most mothers feel extremely tired. It is important to take plenty of rest as well as eat a well balanced diet for you and your baby.

Now that you have known all about being 15 weeks pregnant, wouldn’t you like to read about being 16 weeks pregnant? Read on and discover new facts.