14 Weeks Pregnant

14 Weeks Pregnant

When you are 14 weeks pregnant, the baby’s growth is usually very fast. This is also the time that you should be bonding with your baby so much. The importance of this is that you will be increasing the parental bonds with your unborn child. Babies need mother’s love even before they are born. This is the right stage of development to spare some time just to spend with your child. Though you may not know it, the unborn babies normally feel if the mother is taking care of them or even spending quality time with them.

Experts urge mothers that are 14 weeks pregnant to always spare a few minutes of their time everyday just to spend time with their baby. So how can you do this? It is very simple, all you have to do is just to keep your hands on your belly, stroke it gently and think about your baby. You can either sing softly, keep quite or just to talk to the child. This will make a great difference to you and your baby as well.

There are reasons why it is important to start engaging your baby in music and small talks. The intrauterine development studies of the child states that this is the week that the fetus starts reacting to music and the human voice. However, you should note that not any kind of music will be pleasing to your baby. There are the kinds of music that are recommended  and the type of talk that your baby should hear. All these gear up the cognitive development of an unborn child.

The size of the baby during this stage is similar to that of your fist when clenched. The movements of the baby at this stage are fluid like, there is no jerking every time it moves around. There are some developments that are normally experienced this week and some include the development of its own roof inside the mouth. The intestines are also developing slowly by slowly and start producing something that is called meconium. This is just waste that will be its first stool after being born. There is also some presence of hair on the baby. This type of hair is responsible for keeping it warm. This hair will be shed off after some few months when the baby fat starts to accumulate.

Symptoms And Physical Changes That Occur In Your Body When You Are 14 Weeks Pregnant

In your 14 weeks pregnant stage, there are various symptoms and physical changes that occur in your body. Before going into the details, let us have a quick look at some of them.

  • Decreasing to urinate
  • Less morning sickness
  • Breast growth and decrease in tenderness
  • Decrease in nausea and vomiting
  • Increased appetite
  • Water retention
  • Headaches and dizziness

Things will not be as they were before, but this should not worry you because it is very normal for some things to occur. To start with, you will notice that your breasts are not as tender as they were before. There are times when you will be feeling what is called pregnancy aches normally on the lower side of your abdomen. Your muscles and the ligaments which support your uterus that is steadily growing begin to stretch. Back pains are also experienced during the 14 weeks pregnant stage. This back pain will continue to be more severe as time goes by and as you gain weight, this will go on till this trimester ends.

If you are one of those people that hates having headaches, you should prepare yourself because during this stage, you will experience headaches almost all the time. This will be accompanied by dizziness, therefore, you should always be relaxing so as to quell down the effects of these symptoms. Your body will also be retaining water during this time.

It will make your toes to swell and not leaving behind the legs, the fingers and the ankles. When you see this happening, there is no need to worry or raise alarm. It is a normal condition when one is 14 weeks pregnant. Your waist will also be thicker by day and you will experience it moving upwards. You might have problems with sleeping, this is simply because the uterus is increasing in size.

However, you should be happy because there are some good things that happen in the 14 weeks pregnant cycle. There is a reduction in the disturbing symptoms that you used to experience. The first one is less trips  of going to the toilet to pee. This  is a relief because its irritating to stand up all the time to go use the toilet. Morning sicknesses will be less and less at this stage.

There will also be a decrease in fatigue as you will feel your energy is renewed. Nausea and vomiting will also come to an end and your appetite will come back. These are some of the things that you are going to experience when you are 14 weeks pregnant to know what to expect when you are 15 weeks pregnant, read on to find out what your unborn baby has in store for you.