The Stages Of Childbirth – What To Expect?

What to expect giving birth? What does giving birth feel like? Does giving birth hurt? Does giving birth to the placenta hurt? Does giving birth make you poop? What happens after giving birth? Read on and find out.

Giving Birth

If we talk about the most painful job which brings a lot of joy for a woman then it should be giving birth. Giving birth is itself not easy as the woman has to keep and nurture a baby within her with all that she has in the body. But there are many more things attached to this which has to be done by the mother and sometime by the father too. I am talking about the planning which starts even before you plan for the pregnancy and continues after the baby is delivered.

The Major Planning That Is Required

As far as the planning is concerned then there are things you should be concerned about. For example if you are willing to have a baby it is obvious that you want it to be healthy and for that you need to go through medical exams to know if your body is fit enough. After that when you really conceive then it is time to manage your other responsibilities as you will have to be very careful about your body and baby. Then as the delivery time approaches a person needs to plan the hospital and the medical plan. Then there are planning regarding your baby’s room and all the accessories and cloth that it needs. Giving birth is a combination of all these.

The Major Phase Of Giving Birth – Labor

The major part of child birth is the labor attached to it. Most of the woman till today gives birth through the vagina which is the natural way of giving birth. Many other women go for cesarean delivery where the baby is taken out from the abdomen through surgical methods. In case of normal birth there are three stages.

  1. The shortening of the cervix and then the dilation
  2. Birth of the baby
  3. The birth of the placenta

The Stages Of Giving Birth Through Labor

As it is already said that the giving birth occurs in three stages it is time to discuss them in details. In case you know the signs and symptoms of labor pain it will be easier for you to call your care giver and arrange for the delivery.

Stage 1:

Stage one consists of the labor pain which can be divided in early and active labor. In case of early labor the first thing that happens is early labor is the start of dilation of the cervix.

Contraction is very much normal at this point of time which can be strong for 30 to 60 seconds and occurs at regular interval. You may even notice blood coming out. this phase of early labor may last for some hours and then you will have active labor. In case of active labor the contraction becomes more painful, more regular and stronger. The frequency will increase so much that the time gap will shorten and the pressure on the lower back will increase too. The cervix will now be 10 centimeters to give passage for your baby to take birth.

Things To Do In The Stage 1

You need to take complete rest and relax. If it is an early labor you can take a shower to relax. Comfort your lower back with ice bag. Be in the most comfortable place and the position. Call the provider. Head to the hospital.

Stage 2:

It is the most important stage as it was the time you were waiting for the last 9 months. It is the time when your baby will be born. At this phase your cervix will completely dilate and will make the path for your baby to come out. By this time you will be in the hospital and in the delivery room. In case you are delivering in your home the doctor needs to arrange all facilities required for the birth of your baby. He or she will now ask you to push the baby with all strength you can manage. In some cases this phase of giving birth lasts for 20 minutes and in some other cases it lasts for hours. You will have to take this pain for your baby so being prepared can help a lot. You may feel the pressure on your rectum as the baby is now coming out. The head of the baby will be moving to the birth channel and the urge to push will increase. Sometime a small cut is given to the vagina for enlarging it. Now your baby’s head will show up and the doctor would assist it to come out. Then the umbilical cord will be cut and your baby is now a part of the physical world.

Things To Do In Stage 2

Take a position that would be best for you to push.Push the baby as the time arrives. Ask your provider to guide you in pushing.

Stage 3:

Now that the baby is already born it is time to give birth to the placenta too which used to supply food and oxygen throughout the pregnancy to your baby. This stage will start in 5 to 10 minutes after the child birth. You may feel jerking and chills during this stage and it may take again some time for the delivery. Generally it takes around 10 minutes but can be more or less.

Things to do in stage 3: Relax as almost everything is done. Push the placenta down. The time has come when you can have your baby in your arm. You can start breast feeding now.

Child birth is an important part of life for every woman. It is important to cope up with the pain of giving birth which can be done through breathing and relaxation. In case you are having a cesarean then you will not feel the labor but the pleasure of feeding the baby is always there. It is time to enjoy with your baby for the coming days and it is time to arrange things for him or her. It is time to reach some of the best baby shops to purchase all those you were waiting for.