Nursing Bras

What are nursing bras? Are nursing bras necessary? How do nursing bras work? What size nursing bra do i need? How to measure nursing bra size? Read on and find out!

Nursing Bras

Every mother to be needs several pairs of good nursing bras. All expecting mothers understand that breastfeeding is considered as one of the most important part in a child’s growth and should therefore be treated as a sacred duty. Nursing bras are a wonderful invention which make breastfeeding a more natural and comfortable experience for the new parents. If you are planning to breastfeed your child, there are several bras available in the market you can choose from. Each selection provides for your maternal needs as well your child’s.

Why Buy Nursing Bras?

Expectant mothers who are planning on breastfeeding their children should think about buying the most comfortable nursing bras. A good pair can make the experience more enjoyable and easier for the person breast feeding and a good bra provides great support to the new mothers’ breasts which are going to be heavy with milk. Nursing Bras have various styles and types which a mother should take note of in order to make an effective buying choice that is well within the family budget. There are several popular types of nursing bras available in the every major stores and each has its pros and cons.

Types Of Nursing Bras

  • Bras with underwire – Like regular bras, nursing bras with underwire provide great support. However, sleeping with it on is not advised, it is uncomfortable and puts pressure on the breasts.
  • Bras with no underwire – May be more comfortable but will not provide support for mothers with large breasts.
  • Bras with flaps – May be detached without having to remove the bra and is very convenient. The flaps are meant for discreet nursing and there are available flap bras which accommodates cup change. However, the clasp can be difficult to manage especially if you are in a public area. It can get handy and frustrating.
  • Bras with no flaps – There are nursing bras which can be conveniently pulled to one side during breast feeding; these are usually made from soft fabrics and are very comfortable. However, bras with no flaps usually do not provide enough support.

Availability Of Nursing Bras In The Market

Nowadays, there are plenty of nursing bras available in the market. Any large chain stores or department stores keep a stock which specifically caters to the new mothers. However, the problem with chain stores or department stores is that it usually only carries generic type of nursing bras that look dreary and old fashion. The best place to find a nice range of different variety is to shop online on websites such as Amazon.

There are many different websites which cater to motherhood and its nursing needs. Most of what is available online will likely have guidelines on chest measurement and instructions on how to choose the perfect fit for the new mother.

Also, expecting mothers should take note that there are also maternity and baby shops that have available websites which features a great selection of nursing bras to choose from and they can visit or log into the website for easier access.