How To Get Pregnant Fast!

How To Get Pregnant Fast

How to get pregnant may seem like a mystery to a lot of people. Many couples, at some point in their relationship, will want to expand their family. Children are such a joy and the thought of just being called “mommy” or “daddy” is definitely heartwarming! For some couples, getting pregnant is easy while for others it is not quite so much. If you have you been wondering of how to get pregnant fast, this article will provide you with the answers that you seek.

Sometimes it may seem like lady luck is shining brightly on some people because on their first trial, they get pregnant. However, others may have tried so hard and despite all their efforts, they are not able to conceive. It is normal to feel frustrated because parenthood is just one of those most rewarding things that you just have to experience to truly know. These tips on how to get pregnant are meant for you whether you are in a relationship or single and you are ready to have a baby.

Tips On How To Get Pregnant

How to get pregnant really is not rocket science! We have been brought up believing that having unprotected sex results in pregnancy. This is true, in most cases. Having sex regularly will increase your chances of getting pregnant, say, at least three times a week. This way you will be sure not to miss any opportunity.

In other instances, unprotected sex doesn’t always lead to conception. When becoming a parent, the most crucial aspect is timing. Timing is one of the most important things you should keep in mind if you want to know how to get pregnant fast. It really is everything! This will include everything from your body temperature to your ovulation cycle and everything in between.

Get an ovulation kit to help you predict your ovulation days. Women normally find it quite confusing to predict when they are ovulating through use of charts since they are not too accurate. On the contrary, the ovulation kit works by reading the level of LH before ovulation. Another option is to use a fertility monitor. It reads the changes in all the hormones and guides you on the best time to get pregnant.

Having sex before, as opposed to after ovulation will give you a better chance at getting pregnant. While the male sperm can survive up to five days, inside the female, the woman’s egg won’t last that long. It will be viable for only twenty four hours after it has been released. Seeing that there is only a small window of opportunity to get pregnant in a month, try having sex two days before you ovulate rather than waiting till you are actually ovulating.

Paying a visit to your obstetrician or gynecologist is another important aspect of how to get pregnant. Having a checkup done by your doctor will raise any red flags that might deter you from getting pregnant. Your chances of getting pregnant will be greatly reduced if you are in poor health, have any infections or untreated sexually transmitted disease. Try taking prenatal vitamins too before starting on the baby making business.

You have to eat right. This is a must for anyone who wants to know how to get pregnant. Every person is different since each person’s body is unique. What works for you probably will not work for someone else. Hence eat nutritious food. Consult a nutritionist and have them advice you on what foods are right and what will boost your chances of conceiving since some foods may actually inhibit you from getting pregnant.

Consult a genetic counselor. You may be thinking that this is really pointless. In actual sense it is not. Genetic counseling will draw you to areas that need special attention or bring to light any hereditary reasons that are barriers to your getting pregnant.

One major deterrent of how to get pregnant is being too mechanical. I know you want that baby so badly and no one can blame you but really, that should not be your only goal when having sex. If it is constantly on your mind that you are making a baby, chances are that it may not happen. This is because you are constantly thinking if conception has taken place or not. Once you do a pregnancy test and it turns out negative, you may be disappointed.

Have enjoyable sex! How you are feeling sexually may contribute to your chances of getting pregnant. Planning a romantic evening with your partner and slowly getting into the mood instead of just jumping right into it will definitely spice and heat things up!

Another pointer on how to get pregnant fast is to have sex in positions that will ensure that the sperm remains in the woman’s vagina. The missionary position is a great position as it will increase the chances of getting pregnant since the sperms will not leak.

Avoid common social habits such as smoking, using drugs and consuming alcohol when trying to get pregnant. It is common sense and the doctor will stress on that point. Trust me on this one. Keep away from these “ills” for the sake of the baby you want to have. Not only can they affect your fertility but they can also affect your unborn baby’s health!

It is important that you talk to your doctor if you have been trying to get pregnant naturally for a period of twelve months and nothing has happened yet. There could be an underlying problem. Hence seeing your doctor will help you uncover it and find out how to get pregnant since there are other options available for you.

Being patient also does pay. It is unfortunate that a lot of women are so desperate to get pregnant that they are willing to take anything to increase their chances. Not all fertility pills are beneficial to your health. Try the natural way first before going for whatever the market has to offer.

If you want to know how to get pregnant fast, simply follow the above guideline. Enjoy yourself while you are at it because babies are precious and so feeling good about it will prepare you for the baby’s arrival when you finally get that positive sign on your pregnancy test!